Introduction The Arduino Zero made quite popular the ATSAMD21 microcontroller, which was later adopter by a number of other compatible boards like Adafruit’s Feather M0 or Itaca-Innovation’s uChip. The SAMD21 is a 48-MHz Cortex M0+, with hardware multiplier, a nice… (READ MORE)
Introduction In the Internet of Things (IoT) era, being able of controlling everything is becoming more and more requested. The most common example is the home automation: one would like to control for instance lights, the gates, and even appliances…. (READ MORE)
Introduction Hi there! Last time we finally managed to get the Arduino playing a 20 fps (or more) 16-bit per pixel 160×128 video from an SD card. Is our journey finished? Of course not. We promised you a full audio+video,… (READ MORE)
NOTE!!! This is the fourth part of the tutorial “How to play a 20 fps video on Arduino”. If you haven’t read the previous steps, you might find them in the links below: Part One (introduction) Part Two (hacking the… (READ MORE)
Introduction Hi there! In the previous episode we showed you how to enable 8MHz transfers on the popular 1.8” Display+SD shield. If you didn’t read it, go and check it, because it will be required for this episode!!! In this… (READ MORE)
Introduction Hi there! This is the second step of our “How to play a video on Arduino” tutorial! For video playback we will need high transfer rates. High transfer rates are also required or desired in many other applications, so… (READ MORE)
Introduction Hi there! This is our first opening post! We wanted to start with a big bang, so in the next few weeks we will show you all the required steps to play an unlimited-length 20-fps 65536-color 160×128 pixel video,… (READ MORE)